Jesus...and the other Jesus

Of course you know Jesus.  That’s what the day is about—Good Friday.  He died on the cross for our sins.  So grateful.But there was the other Jesus—Jesus Barabbas.  The criminal.  The one they let go.Imagine Jesus Barabbas back in his prison cell, listening to the crowd chanting Jesus, Jesus!  Followed shortly by Crucify him!  Crucify him.  Surely his end was near.  Then imagine his amazement and joy when he was released.Here’s an amazing thing:  His Jewish name would really be Jesus Bar Abba.  Which means Jesus, Son of Father.Of course, in reality that was really the name of the other Jesus—the one we love and worship.  Officially his name would have been Jesus Bar Joseph.  But we know Jesus wasn’t the son of Joseph—he was the Son of God—or Jesus Bar Abba.So the names are the same, but the fathers are different.Jesus Barabbas was the son of his father the devil.And Jesus Bar Abba was the son of his father, God.Jesus Barabbas, the guilty one, was set free.Jesus, the pure, holy, innocent one, was crucified.  For you, for me, for Jesus Barabbas.We can hope that Jesus Barabbas recognized the gift he was given, and received the one who paid for that gift.We, of course, have the same father as Jesus Barabbas, that is the devil, until we receive that incredible gift of the price Jesus (the Christ) paid.  And then we are adopted into the family of God Himself.  He becomes our Father.Do you marvel at such a transaction?  That you get a new father and a new freedom.Don’t ever get over it!