Who's Keeping You from Doing God's Will?


She: “They are keeping me from doing God’s will for me.”

Me: “How can they do that?”

She: “They won’t let me use my gifts.”

Who is stopping you from being and doing all God created you to do?

If you are a woman, are those who believe you can’t do certain things in ministry thwarting God’s plan for you?

Are people in power against you or not willing to give you a chance?

Are financial hardships keeping you from getting the education needed for God’s calling for you?

Are health setbacks sidetracking you from the work God has for you?

Is Satan attacking you, erecting insurmountable obstacles or fabricating hard-to-resist temptations that keep you from achieving your God-given calling?


Can people or events or health or finances or the devil thwart God’s plans for you?


He tells us He has planned out the days of our lives and the good works we are created to do. (Job 14:5; Ephesians 2:10)

He tells us that, though our situation seems impossible to us, nothing is impossible to Him. (Matthew 19:26)

And then He tells us that no matter what others may do to us, or what circumstances may befall us, or what stupid choices we might make, He is still able to take that and bring His good to us. (Romans 8:28)

None of these can foil God’s accomplishing His good purposes in and through us. He assures us: "... he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6)

But there is one who can thwart God’s plans for me, for you.

I can!  You can!

Because God created us for loving relationship, and not as robots, He gives us this amazing thing called free will. He offers us not only salvation and adoption and His Spirit, but a significant contribution to building His Kingdom.  If we choose it.I am appalled at the times we don’t choose God’s way—at the times I don’t choose God’s way.

Sometimes it’s just because I prefer my plan to God’s.  Sometimes I’m distracted, or lazy, or absorbed in things or the world, or others think I’m crazy…or for many other reasons.Imagine!  I’m the only one who can prevent His will from being done in my life, His purposes from being accomplished.  But I don’t want that!I want God’s good plans for me.  And by His Spirit I choose to follow His call and do His will.

What about you?  What are you letting keep you from being and doing all God created you for?

C2013 Judy Douglass