A Year of Starting Fires

I love to start fires in hearts and minds, to ignite passion and excite compassion.  To open eyes and ears to what God is doing and saying.  To light fires under God’s children for reaching the lost and caring for the oppressed and opening doors for His daughters.That’s why I began writing “Kindling” in January 2010.  In almost 12 months of life, Kindling has carried 72 posts.  They fall into categories like Becoming Kindling, True Followers and On My Knees.Here are the top 10 posts—based on number of views, or number of comments, or my personal favorites.  Just click on the link for each one and fan the flames.1.    Perspective at Any Season—my son’s encounter with a chain saw 2.    Are You a Dangerous Woman?-- The Dangerous Woman Creed by Lynn Hybels 3.     My Lunch…My Life—a boy gave his lunch to Jesus 4.     The Circle of Life—in our families and in God’s family 5.    I Need My Space!—living with the time and space invaders in our lives 6.     Even the Camels—“Obil was over the camels.”  What is your calling? 7.     The End, The Beginning—the bittersweetness of endings and beginnings 8.     TALKing with God—having an honest conversation with God 9.     Nothing—like a newborn baby, we are totally dependent 10.     No Shrinking Back—what fears hold you back? I always love to hear from you--please feel free to respond to any of these fireseeds.