Down Memory Lane

I had a special time meeting with some Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex women about coming together to consider how they could join efforts to give to a special project.  I loved meeting them and getting to know them.I also had a great time driving around my old neighborhood, by my elementary and high schools.  I pointed out to my friend who was driving what friend had lived where in home after home.A common practice now in the part of Dallas I grew up in is to buy old smaller homes, tear them down and build large houses in their place.  I knew that my growing up home had been torn down several years ago.  Since we were close by, we drove down my street.


There, in place of the familiar home I had lived in for so long, stood a large, elegant house.  Definitely a bittersweet experience.But a fun experience helped to sweeten it:  We passed by the PR Pharm.  A few blocks from my home and from my school was the Preston Road Pharmacy.  In my school days it had a fabulous soda counter/shop.  After school most days we would make our way to the PR Pharm for a chocolate soda or a butterscotch sundae or a limeade.We would have stopped and indulged today, but I was pretty sure the soda fountain was long gone.I was surprised at all the details I recalled—and grateful for all the memories that surfaced.  A sweet day.

What about you?  When did you last take a trip down memory lane?