Praying with Your Kids Before School: One Verse, One Prayer


I remember when I sent each of my kids off to school for the first time. Hugs, prayers, encouragement—then tears for me. It happened like that every year after that. And especially the last year of high school. 

Were they ready? Had I prepared them well, taught them enough? Had I helped them grow important values, essential skills, a relationship with God?

Had I prayed enough? 

Holly Melton, as she began to send her children off to school, had these same questions. So she became intentional and went to work. The result is a simple, profound, workable approach to praying with your little ones and big ones each morning.

I know the value of prayer—it changes the one I pray for, and it changes me. When you couple it with a Scripture verse and a value to absorb, you can begin a journey of lifelong learning to walk with Jesus.

So you have questions:

How long does this take each morning? About two minutes. Seriously, only two minutes? Yes, about two minutes.

But you can’t use the same verses and prayers for younger and older kids? Holly has two age appropriate versions.

Will the children do it? If you give them a vision for it and keep it positive and short, most will grow to look forward to it.

A School Year of Topics, Verses, Prayers

So Holly has given us 36 weeks (a school year) of topics, verses and prayers—Monday through Friday. She gives an introduction for each week, for you to prepare your heart and mind.

Holly says: This one small addition to your morning can change you and your child’s entire day, week and life.

I’ve added below the Week 1 intro, verses and prayers.

You can download the first week for free and purchase her book here.

It is also available on Amazon.

Week One Theme

Praying with Your Kids before School wk1a.jpeg

Week One Verse and Prayer

Praying with Your Kids before School wk1b.jpeg


Praying with Your Kids before School wk1c.jpeg
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Holly Melton is a wife, mother, speaker, author and ministry coach. She has a degree in Marriage and Family Studies and has served in ministry with Cru since 1999. Her passion is to train and disciple others in the Word of God so they can impact the world around them for Christ.