I would love for you to join me to start fires in a prodigal wilderness and in hearts and minds.
Wildfires are not uncommon in wilderness areas. And if you have a prodigal in your life, you feel like you live in a wilderness that is aflame.
I have a book for just such wildfires: When You Love a Prodigal: 90 Days of Grace for the Wilderness. And my Kindling blog is a great fire starter-to challenge thinking and inspire action. I seek to do the same through my speaking.
While you are here:
Discover how to find treasure in the wilderness.
Listen to help and hope for your journey.
β’ Read encouraging stories about people who are lighting fires.
β’ Be inspired to deepen your spiritual life.
β’ Sign up to receive First Wednesday, my monthly letter.
Most of all, allow Christ to set your heart on fire by inviting His Holy Spirit to fill you and control you.