Speaking — Judy Douglass

The When You Love a Prodigal podcast is live!


Let’s Connect

I love to encourage and challenge people to discover more of God and all He created them to be and do. Speaking is one of my favorite ways to do that.

I have spoken in more than 50 countries to groups from 8 to 8,000.

Below are some topics I speak on. I can either present my messages or adapt them to your specific needs. Email me, call me, or fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

A Few of Judy’s Topics

When You Love a Prodigal
The Entrusted Life
Prayer That Changes Things
The Purpose of Women
Ignite: Spiritual Arsonist
Walk Worthy of Your Calling
Wonder: Never Get Over It


“Judy is a good speaker and communicator. She loves the Lord and lives what she teaches! She has lots of humor! She is wise, intelligent and well worth listening to!”

“It’s been my privilege to hear Judy speak many times—at church and otherwise. To me, she defines the word Teacher. She promotes positivity, focuses on growth, is selfless and understands the power of love. She speaks real life and has greatly impacted my life.”

“Your talk last week was life-giving, nourishing water to listening souls...Your ‘realness’ was such a relief.”



To contact me about a speaking engagement, reach me at Judy@JudyDouglass.com, (407) 826-2080, or by filling out this form: