First Wednesday December 22
A Different Christmas for Me
Dear friend,
I loved the consistency. I knew my wonderful husband, Steve, was consistent in many ways. But to hear person after person speaking in the service name his humility, his kindness, his bold but loving ways to talk to people about Jesus, his servant attitude, his wise thinking, his “may I pray for you,” and more was heartwarming. Then to read the tributes and see the same affirmations!
Surely the world is missing this gentle giant who followed Jesus so well, but of course, I--along with our children and grandchildren--am heartbroken. Yet we rejoice. He is with his heavenly Father, his loving Savior Jesus, and the Spirit who enlivened him as he served God for 53 years.
From his children and grandchildren
Steve’s two daughters and his grandson each talked about his impact on their lives. Here are a few thoughts from them.
I didn’t realize what an exceptional Dad I had.
He never said a negative word about anyone.
When I traveled as his assistant, I saw how he cared for every person and how he prepared for every message he gave.
He always answered when I called, asked about me and my family, prayed for me. He gave me a beautiful picture of how my heavenly Father cares for me.
Papa was kind, loving, whole and genuine.
He said to anyone he was talking to, “Are you much of a reader? I would love to give you this book I wrote on How to Enjoy Your Walk with God.”
He was a peaceful, calming presence.
He showed me what it means to live in Christ.
My dad was kind, always looking for ways to serve people.
He was creative, and often invited me to collaborate on a project.
He was intentional—asking about my work and how he could pray for me.
He was also human—he struggled, experienced fear, failed occasionally, but always wanted to serve and please God and tell the whole world about Jesus.
What Steve would say to you
Do you know Jesus? Oh, how He loves you!
He made you beautiful, with unique and special gifts.
He wants to come into your life, forgive your sins, give you peace and purpose, fill you with love and joy.
And to enable you to make your life count—for now and forever.
Fall in love with Him, trust Him, serve Him. You won’t regret it.
Get to know Steve better
Cru’s Tribute to Steve
My Thanksgiving Message
Steve’s formal obituary
Living Our Faith Before the World—an article by Steve
Memorial Service for Steve—so beautiful and glorifying to God
Books by Steve, available at Cru Press
My Christmas Plans
So how do I spend my first Christmas in 47 years without my beloved? Sad that he isn’t with me, but rejoicing that he is with Jesus. And traveling to visit each of my children and all my grandchildren.
And as I have done for 50 years, I will make Swedish pancakes in honor of Steve. I posted it in my December letter last year, but here it is again.
And may your Christmas be filled with peace and joy, the love of family and friends, and the assurance that you are so loved by the God who created you.
May your blessings overflow,