Rest in Release--Worldwide Day of Prayer for Prodigals 5
This is another in a series of letters to those who have prodigals in their lives. This is part 5 of the REST theme for this year's Worldwide Day of Prayer for Prodigals on June 2.
Dear Lover of Prodigals,
You probably know the story of the monkey who wanted the banana in the bottom of the jar. Thrust his hand right in there and grabbed it—and tried to pull it out. It was stuck. He pulled and pulled, but could not get his hand, holding on to that banana, out of that jar.
Until he let go of the fruit.
No more striving and fighting—his hand came out. And so did the banana.
I tell it another way. When I hold on to something I want, I make a fist to the Lord. Not only does this speak defiance to Him, but it also effectively closes up the opportunity for Him to work in me.
He would have to pry open every finger—to remove what shouldn’t be there and/or to put in my hand what He wants to give me.
Oh how those of us who love prodigals need to hear this. How we hold on to that loved one, to our desires for her life. We plead with God and with that prodigal to do what we want. We want to be in control. We manipulate, coerce, bribe—we will do almost anything to make our loved one come to his senses.
Except let go.
Holding on is exhausting.
Jesus offers us an amazing exchange:…his life for yours, his sinlessness for your sin, his life for your death, his power for your weakness, his freedom for your bondage, his comfort for your grief, his beauty for your ashes, his gladness for your mourning, and his praise for your despair. He said that it is fulfilled today in him, and your life is hidden in him (Col 3:3). Be blessed to receive the connection he gives you from your Father's tender heart, and exchange his peace for your clamor, chaos, and confusion. Receive from him his comfort, love and joy, just because you are his. He offers you his vision and his hope in exchange for your disappointment, because he sees so much more than you do…(Luke 4:18-21, Isaiah 61:1-3, Sylvia Gunter.
When we willingly (though probably reluctantly) open our hands, we give God permission to do His very good work in our lives—and in the lives of our prodigals.
There is rest in release.
This prayer of release has been one of the most helpful prayers I have prayed—many times since I have often taken him back and needed to release him again.
Make this declaration of release as often as necessary: Because Jesus Christ is my Lord, I free you from my anxiety, fears, and control. I trust the Holy Spirit to lead you and show you the way that is right for you-- the way of love, joy, and peace and all that salvation includes.I place you at God’s throne of grace. I cannot force my will on you. I cannot live your life for you. I give you to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You are a very special person. As much as I love you, God loves you more. Your life today is totally in His hands, and I trust Him with it. In Jesus’ name... I release you from my expectations, I place you on open palms to the Lord, I give you my blessings, I let you go. (
Thank you again for all who come to our community and pray for the requests. I hope more of you come—many new requests are being posted. And of course each new person is being added to THE LIST we will pray for on June 2.I will open my home again this year for anyone in Orlando who wants to pray the evening of June 2. Hopefully some of you will do the same in your community. You can indicate that here, so others can join you if they wish.Letting go with you,Judy
If you want more information about the Worldwide Day of Prayer for Prodigals, write me at prayerforprodigalsatgmaildotcom.First << Prev < > Next