Secrets of Success: #2 Believe in Yourself

On the first Monday of each month when my children were in high school, I wrote a letter to them describing a secret of success in life.  Recently I compiled a year’s worth of secrets into a small book.  Secrets of Success is a great gift for graduates.  To give you a glimpse, I posted Secret #2 here.

Secret #2: Believe in Yourself

The ability to believe in yourself is important to succeeding in every area of life. There will be times when you fail, when you feel inadequate, discouraged or even hopeless. There will be times when others don’t believe in you, when Satan says you are a loser, or when you want to give up. At those times you must choose to believe that what God says about you is true.

1. Acknowledge (agree with the fact) that God created you and called you to be His follower.

You are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27). God says He formed you, that what He has made (that’s you) is wonderful and beautiful, and that He has planned your life (Psalm 139: 13-16). He has called you to serve Him, benefit others, find satisfaction in fulfilling His purposes for you, and bring glory to Him (put all the attention on Him and His love).

2. Recognize and develop your gifts and strengths.

God said that His Holy Spirit has given you spiritual gifts to do your job in God’s kingdom (Romans 12:4-8). He has also given you many talents and abilities and He wants you to use them (I Timothy 4:14).

3. Maintain hope.

One of my favorite promises from Scripture is Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Even in the midst of the most difficult times, when you are most tempted to give up on yourself,God is there. He will bring good and give strength, courage, and the ability to do what needs to be done. So keep hoping and believing.I know you have a great future. My prayer is that you will believe how special you are in God’s eyes as His chosen and called child. You can order Secrets of Success in the US from New Life Resources.  In Asia, you can order from CCC Mass Media.c 2011 Judy Douglass< Prev  Next >