Cupcakes for the Journey

My son, the big, strong, tough guy.  Fisherman.  Landscaper.  Survivor.The prodigal who broke my heart so many times, leading me to the feet of Jesus.My teacher—unknowingly—for learning the reality of...unconditional love,...God’s fondness for waiting,...the life breath that is prayer,...the necessity of persevering,...believing in a better future.Delivering hope and joy in the twisting journey,...slowly moving upward and homeward.I’m smiling at today’s mileposts.This morning he posted on Facebook:I hate the fact that I lost my job, but I Love the fact i just got to test my little girl on her social studies and then took her to school :)Tonight he called to confirm the directions for the cupcakes they were making.  Then he called again:  Is it okay if I let her lick the bowl?Funny boy—how many times did he lick the bowl?The cupcakes turned out perfect, though the icing is a little sloppy.Aren't we all--a little sloppy?!Cupcakes