What God's Children Do When Tragedy Strikes
In the past two weeks I have been where natural disasters have caused havoc, pain, loss.In Thailand, the floods continue to make their way to the ocean, covering about three kilometers a day. In the months of October and November, about one-third of the nation will have been covered in water. In low-lying places it is taking about a month for the water to clear.In Bangkok, expressways are lined with cars, parked on the shoulder, to protect them from the still coming flood. A normal 25-minute trip in Bangkok took us 2 ½ hours because of massive traffic jams due to closed, flooded roads.
I spent a morning with some Thai believers. Their worship was powerful and beautiful. Then they shared about losing their homes, or cars, or possessions in the floods. Of course, there is no insurance.Then they cooked and packaged food before heading out in rubber boats to serve those living in flooded areas. They provided food, water, other supplies. They helped to move furniture to upper stories. All in their I-Serve t-shirts.You can watch a powerful video about the floods and the I-Serve teams here.
In Turkey, earthquakes have brought death and destruction to Van in the eastern part of the country. More than 600 people have died from the back-to-back quakes. A heavy snowstorm has hampered rescue efforts and created great hardship for the many whose homes have been destroyed.
Once again, God’s children respond. They have lost their own homes and their place of work. But their worship place is still standing, with a generator providing electricity. Day after day they are cooking and feeding those with nothing. They provide shelter and warmth—and love.Sometimes it will be great, natural disasters—a flood, an earthquake, a hurricane, a tornado. Other times it will be an isolated loss—a fire, an accident, an attack. And so much in between.Usually many will come to help. First among them should be God’s children. Motivated by the love of Christ, urged on by the compassion and comfort He has shown us, we reach out to those in need. May it always be.