Two Years of Starting Fires: Celebrate with Me and Win a Book for You

Could I write a blog post once a week?  Did I have the time, energy and ideas to share 500 or so words every week?My initial goal when I started Kindling on January 31, 2010 was to—hopefully--write once a week.  But as I got going—and back into writing—I found the ideas started flowing.In two years I have posted 228 blog articles.  Here’s a happy fact:  Though some are much better than others, there is not one I am ashamed to still have in my archives.I’m thrilled to have 188 subscribed followers and another 200 who follow via Networked Blogs.  But I’m a little greedy.  I would love to have a lot more subscribers.Why?  So I can have better numbers and improve my Klout score?  Well, that’s nice.  But truly, I just want to start more fires.  I believe God has used my writing to kindle fires in some hearts and minds, and I want to interact with many "kindling" people.We all have so far to go to truly think and act and live and love like Jesus.  I am hoping to add a lot more fatwood to the fire, to be a fireseed, to enflame you and many readers with true Kingdom attitudes and actions.So here’s my offer and my request:I am giving away some books written by very special friends of mine, one each day for a week:Half the Church: God’s Global Vision for Women by Carolyn Custis JamesLost Women of the Bible: The Women We Thought We Knew by Carolyn Custis JamesThe Gospel of Ruth: Loving God Enough to Break the Rules by Carolyn Custis JamesGrumble Hallelujah: Learning to Love Your Life Even When It Lets You Down by Caryn Dahlstrand Rivadeneira (autographed)Love You More: The Divine Surprise of Adopting My Daughter by Jennifer Grant (autographed)Small Things with Great Love: Adventures in Loving Your Neighbor by Margot Starbuck (autographed)Secrets of Success:  Letters to My Children by Yours Truly (autographed)To be eligible for the drawings for these books, I need you to comment on this post.  In your comment you can do one of three things:

  1. Tell me how Kindling has been a spark to your heart or mind.  Feel free to reference a specific article.
  2. Tell me that you have newly subscribed to Kindling, so that you are sure to receive each post.  Of course, you still get to choose which ones you read. Just click on the Subscribe button in the upper right corner of Kindling.
  3. Tell me that you have forwarded this blog post to a friend and encouraged them to check out Kindling.

I will begin the drawings on February 1, doing one each day for a week.  You remain eligible for each drawing until you are a winner.I look forward to doing some arson work with you—setting God-sized fires in our hearts and minds in the coming year.  I am grateful for you.Judy Douglass