Discovering Your Personal Mission: The Significant Woman


One of the benefits of living a long time is clarity. I have a pretty good idea of who I am and what I was designed to do.

I’ve had a lot of help along the way:  many experiences and opportunities, good people to speak into my life, assessments and training.  So I’m confident—though still learning and growing—about God’s personal mission for me:  To encourage God’s children to trust Him to enable them to become and do all God created them for.

That’s just a summary statement.  How that is lived out has varied over the years.  This I know:  I love to see people discover who God made them to be and to do what He wants them to do.

So it is no wonder that I have loved being part of a team that has developed a resource for equipping His daughters to do just that:  The Significant Woman.

The Significant Woman (TSW) is a powerful biblical coaching/discipleship resource to enable women to pursue God and His unique design for their lives.  You discover your personal mission in life and how it fits with God’s mission on earth. The course can be done on your own, but it is most effective in a small group setting.  Working with others, you can learn to:

•    Discover your uniqueness

•    Embrace the source of your life

•    Uncover and pursue your personal mission

•    Refocus your life

•    Live intentionally

•    Keep it going for life

See how TSW is being used around the world.

It is widely used in North America, but with multiple translations now available, the impact is spreading globally.Albania:  Nikki has facilitated Significant Woman groups and is helping to finish the Albanian translation.  She sees this as a key resource for discipling women throughout the nation.

Spain:  Spain is contextualizing the 2011 Latin American Spanish translation to develop a comprehensive approach for building spiritual movements among women all across Spain.

Australia: Jan disciples athletes.  She writes:  “The women are very keen to learn and grow.  The women’s ministry leader of a church is in the group and she wants to use The Significant Woman in the church’s overall program.”

Ivory Coast: Sylvie is actively using a French translation to train other women, with 12 of them now facilitating their own groups. One hundred women recently participated in a “Taste of The Significant Woman” in the capital city, with “Tastes” scheduled for another 300-400 women in several other cities.

Singapore: Several women have been trained as large-group presenters and are helping churches launch TSW throughout the nation. One church has adopted the resource as their primary discipleship course, with 12 groups totaling 120 women already engaged.

Mandarin: A translation in Mandarin is almost completed, with Mandarin speaking groups around the world looking forward to using this remarkable coaching tool.

Some of the stories are personal and life-changing.

A pastor’s wife in El Salvador: What she learned helped her to take a radical step—to reach out to long-estranged sister.  She traveled to Spain to reconnect with her and to tell her of God’s love and forgiveness.  Relationship restored.

Nisha in India:The Significant Woman has been very influential in my life.  When my husband and I accepted an associate director role (in our mission), I felt very inadequate. Going through the study helped me to focus on my strengths and to trust God with my weaknesses.”

A woman in French-speaking Africa: She has five children with a man who wouldn’t marry her.  She received Christ as she went through the course and her life changed.  Her children’s father said, “You have become a new person.  Tell me how.” So she did, and he also received Christ.  And he married her.

Coming up in San Diego.

The first Military “Taste of The Significant Woman” will be held September 21.  Leaders in the military community, wives of active military personnel and those who minister to the military invited.

No matter what season of life a woman is in, this course will help her experience a renewed passion for living, a more intimate relationship with God, and a stronger sense of God’s unique plan for her life.  Discover more at The Significant Woman website.

What about you? Do you know your personal mission in life?  Are you living it?

C2013 Judy Douglass