More Transforming Reads--6


A sad truth—I have not read very much in the past year.

I realized I hadn’t added to my Transforming Reads here at Kindling in well over a year.  When I started searching for what I had read, the list is pretty short.  Probably there are a few I’m missing.

But here are some of the books I have read recently that I hope encourage you.

Lives that Inspire

Meeting Miss Irby by Josh Irby

This is a perfect read.  I love:

A good story--and this is a great story.

History--and this story tells me history I knew nothing about.

Women who use their gifts to accomplish good--and Miss Irby does that in amazing ways.

And I love that Josh Irby is sharing the discovery of his great relative with us in such a captivating way.

Making Me Think

Follow My Lead: Responding to God's Voice in Everyday Encounters  by Holly A. Melton

The privilege of telling people about Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit to do so with grace and truth, with stories of lives changed as a result.

Help Thanks Wow: The Three Essential Prayers by Anne LaMott

That’s it in a nutshell—most of what we pray.  Anne LaMott of course writes in a very real-life way!

On My Knees

Prayer by O Hallesby

This classic on prayer talks about prayer being a way to glorify God, an expression of our dependence on Him, a place of both rest and work.  Powerful.

The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears  by Mark Batterson

This book, and the ones that followed it, have been powerful guides to me in praying—about my dreams and my fears, for those I love, for the ministry I serve, for a world in desperate need.  Life-changing.

Also Praying Circles Around Your Children and Draw the Circle: The 40-Day Prayer

Strengthening My Soul

Everything: What You Give and What You Gain to Become Like Jesus by Mary DeMuth

That’s God’s desire for us—to become like Jesus.  Mary tells a personal story of losing and gaining everything, through Jesus.

The Wall Around Your Heart: How Jesus Heals You When Others Hurt You by Mary De Muth

Once again Mary opens up her personal life to reveal how pain causes us to build walls of protection.  Then she takes us through the Lord’s Prayer to learn how to open our hearts again.

Loving a Prodigal

Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction by David Sheff

This was hard to read for me as the author took us year by year through his son’s addiction.  His journey was close to home, and his relentless efforts to rescue his son even closer.

Engaging Today's Prodigal: Clear Thinking, New Approaches, and Reasons for Hopeby Carol Barnier

If you love a prodigal, this book is filled with love and truth, with help and hope and humor, and with the grace that makes redemption and restoration possible.

Loving a Prodigal: Embracing Grace by Judy Douglass

I think this little free e-book might be the best content I’ve ever written—giving hope and grace to all those on a journey with a prodigal, and the rest of us as well.

What about you?  What have you been reading?