How We Got Here: Live Alive Guest Post by Jordan Stroman


Jordan Stroman is a remarkable young woman of great tenacity and courage.  God has given her and her amazing friends a big vision.  You can read about it here--reprinted from her Live Alive blog.

Live Alive is the result of one unforgettable journey, some fierce dreamers and a whole lot of espresso.

Within me, there has always been a dream to explore new lands and to see new skies. Because traveling isn’t convenient when you come with a 400-lb electric wheelchair, assistive breathing equipment, and a plethora of other necessary gadgets, I harbored a fear of the unknown. Could I actually do this? The fear was keeping me from jumping in.In the spring of this year, a group of us chose to say no fear, to embrace the unknown and to step into risk for the sake of adventure. Each of us had valid reasons to walk away from this opportunity: we were dealing with sicknesses, injuries, and financial burdens. It would have been easy to back out of our plans and stay home, but something told us to press in, to climb the mountain because the view from the summit was going to be spectacular. And it was.

On February 28, we left Orlando and flew across the country to San Diego, CA. This five-day journey of new experiences, unexpected surprises and new friendships has forever changed our lives and refocused our hearts on what is most important.

Our leap of faith to the West Coast taught us that life is so full of beautiful opportunity and that fear will do all it can to latch on and pull us down. This journey taught us that incredible things have room to take place when you push through fear and step into the risk of discomfort. We learned that we were created to dream and to tenaciously seek making those dreams a reality. When we pursue the dreams that are inside of us and live into those things that fill us with life and meaning, the world will begin to change.

This is where Live Alive was born: out of a desire to share these discoveries with the world.

From Jordan: In my 23 years of life, I have learned a lot about challenge and pain and deeply profound love. Born with an undiagnosed degenerative muscle disease, I have experienced the loss of most of the major functions of my body. This daily reality has given me a perspective that I am eternally grateful for and a deeply rooted desire to shatter preconceived notions. I am passionate about helping others to see the beautiful opportunity that is before them and to embrace their dreams with courage and vulnerability. This life is a gift of adventure and I'm grateful to be on the journey. (Follow Jordan on Twitter and Insta @jordeybug).

You can learn more about Live Alive at the Facebook Page.

In the photo above:  Jordan Stroman; l to r: Chris DiDonna, Sam Veatch, Lyss Aviles, Georginia Hurge