Discovering and Living Your Significance

“In my country wives are expected to be quiet. The Significant Woman enabled me to step out from the shadow of my husband and discover how God would use me.” (Asia)

“God inspired me to intentionally build into women leaders in spite of my busy schedule. To make room for it is a priority, and the Lord will raise up women to come alongside.” (Africa)

Ninety-eight women from 34 nations gathered in Orlando for The Significant Woman’s Champions Summit. The purpose was to inspire, encourage, update, cast vision, equip, connect—and to unveil what is perhaps the “best-kept secret” in Cru/Campus Crusade for Christ around the world.

The women who attended have all been using two amazing discipleship/coaching resources—The Significant Woman and SOARING--for their own personal development and with other women in their communities.

The women who designed and launched The Significant Woman

The women who designed and launched The Significant Woman


Morning devotions on walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, following the Good Shepherd and stepping out to do what He says guided women spiritually and motivated them to let Jesus live and love through them.

“I am reminded to be filled, immersed and be empowered by the Holy Spirit, that I have the power of the Holy Spirit to start a fire in the lives of others for transformation….” (North Africa) 


As women shared with the whole group, or around tables or over meals, telling stories of how God had changed lives through both The Significant Woman and the new SOARING courses, others were encouraged to step out in faith that God would use them as well.

"...Significant Woman and SOARING will be good tools to reach our students for Christ and increase their faith." (Central Asia)


All the conferees were thrilled at the introduction of the new SOARING resource, a beautiful new book with the same content on significance presented for those who might not yet know Christ.

The continuing proliferation of new translations greatly expands the lives that will be touched through these courses. The original course is in 10 languages, with eight more in process.

“The session on the evangelistic resource SOARING helped me to learn how I can reach non-Christians through using this material.” (Asia)


Panels and stories and examples demonstrated how these tools could enable women in every season of life to discover who they are, what their gifts and strengths are, and what their God-given mission might be. Women as leaders, in the marketplace, in churches, at home, in colleges and high schools and even on the internet can all benefit from these practical coaching courses.

“All the sessions were valuable to me , especially the sessions on using Signifiant Woman and SOARING with leaders, churches and students." (Africa)


Our ministry objectives include equipping believers to become “multiplying disciples”—followers of Jesus who seek to win others to Christ and help them grow into disciples who will also win, build and send in the power of the Holy Spirit.

“All the sessions were valuable to me, especially the sessions on using Significant Woman and SOARING with leaders, churches and students." (Africa)


One of the best parts of the gathering was the opportunity to meet, connect with and learn from their sisters from around the world. Even with language barriers—the sessions were translated into Spanish, French, Indonesian, Korean and Arabic—these women were always chatting at breaks and meals, while out shopping, even during sessions.

'The Lord strengthened me and renewed my vision through the stories I heard from my sisters from all over the world." (Europe)


A group from Miami plans to use these resources to share the gospel and build multiplying disciples among all the 20 million Hispanic women in the U.S., starting with a conference for 2000 women next year.

Another group, from a very different part of the world, has plans to creatively equip women across their region to take the message of Christ and disciple building to majority religion women and others in all arenas: leaders, students, churches and digital space.

Others are planning to introduce this to military Christian leaders and spouses, the spouses of the elders at church and to have high school after school Christian Clubs."

The best-kept secret? Perhaps. God is using this beautiful coaching/discipleship course to changes the lives of thousands of women all over the globe. We are hoping it is no longer a secret!

What about you? Have you discovered your personal mission?

You can learn more at

If you haven’t had a chance to do this life-changing discipleship course or facilitate your own discipleship group using Significant Woman or evangelistic group using the life-coaching evangelistic course SOARING, I would encourage you to do that (these resources are available at ( (or if you are outside the US contact Gail Porter (gail.porter @  If you have questions about the resources or would like coaching as you facilitate, contact Renee Keller (renee.keller @ (Remove spaces in email)

Photos by Mike Ziadie.