Saucer Sisters: The Journey Continues
Once again the Saucer Sisters gathered at Joyce’s cabin in Paisley—so seriously in the woods that both times I have driven out I have gotten lost because every road seems to disappear into the trees.
A comfortable walk through the forest—discovering evidence of bear and (big) cats and deer.
Most of the girls have arrived by lunch—they all loved my split pea soup! Conversation turned to politics, and some despair over the options.
Then we settled into the cozy living room, with comfy leather sofas and a crackling fire—it was sharing time. One by one we shared from our lives—our kids and grandkids, joys and heartaches, health issues, and what God is saying to us.
Sharing led to deeper conversation—we talked about getting quiet before the Lord. listening to God, being open to receive what God is showing us, and the danger of heart addictions, of idols.
Some shared “word of the year,” books that have influenced and impacted us, challenges of transitions, or new seasons in life. There were tears. And joy. And peace. We prayed for each other.
Dinner on the deck was spectacular. Amazing steaks accompanied by awesome salads, veggies, potatoes, homemade bread.
Deciding who would sleep where, who would snore, who was a little sick. So quiet and peaceful.
Yummy breakfast, more sharing, great lunch. And we were off—back to real life, responsibilities, commitments, busyness.
What a treasure! To get away in nature (other times it has been the beach). To set aside the to-do list. To mostly set aside our electronics, since reception wasn’t very good.
But mostly it was a treasure to be with these women—year 17 of our sharing life together, of experiencing our overflowing cups so we are drinking from the saucer.
This kind of community is true treasure. To share life and joy and heartache. To encourage and comfort and pray for each other. To admonish and exhort with love and grace. To weep and laugh with one another.
Thank You, Lord, for my Saucer Sisters.
What about you? Are you in community with some special people?
C2016 Judy Douglass
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