I Don’t Want to Be Predictable



Many years ago I worked with a person who wanted me to act as my various personality assessments predicted I would. But I rarely did. It frustrated her greatly that I was not predictable.

Assurance of predictable outcomes seems desirable, safer, creating less anxiety.

But also boring. Where is the surprise, the anticipation, the mystery?

Not long ago a friend called me “predictable.”

I was horrified! I don’t want to be predictable. I want to be surprising!

Yes, I am predictable about some things:

Sports: I follow the Longhorns, Cowboys, Magic faithfully, though none of those teams has made it easy lately.

Texas: I know more wonderful facts about Texas than most people, and I am glad to share them with anyone who will listen. Just last night I was able to predictably tell Texas stories to attentive friends.

My mission: to encourage God’s children to be and do all God has for them—to never settle for less than God’s best! And especially I am a champion for God’s daughters, his ezers.

My family: I pray for, love on, spend time with, listen to, encourage, give gifts to, shop for–my husband, my kids and their kids.

My Jesus: I love Him, trust Him, depend on Him, serve Him, talk to and about Him. He is my life—and I wish I did all of these things more consistently.

But after these predictabilities, I am a fan of the unpredictable. I love surprises—especially nice ones. I don’t want do the actions mentioned above in the same old way. New ideas, new visions, new approaches.

Predictable can be so boring. If I look for the open door, the opportunity, the surprise twist, the daunting challenge, there is no time or place to be bored.

I want to make lots of room for shock and awe– especially with God.

He is the ultimate in unpredictability. He is master of the unexpected—sometimes I love His surprises, other times I don’t—yes, even this week.

Sometimes He takes my breath away; other times He wraps me in comfort and peace.

But always, He has that surprise twist: He stuns me as He achieves His perfect good through even the most difficult situations. (Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28).

He tells me to anticipate His surprises: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” I have no idea what He might do!

And that’s a good thing.

May I always be filled with wonder at the ways of God!

What about you? How has God surprised you recently?

C2018 Judy Douglass