Francophone Africa: Women Stand Up and Build

Stunning Francophone women–preparing to stand up and build

Stunning Francophone women–preparing to stand up and build

Our ministry is called Campus Pour Christ in the French-speaking parts of Africa. I visited there 10 years ago as one of the speakers at their first-ever women’s conference. The women were just emerging into fullness of opportunity in the ministry there.

I don’t remember what I spoke on, but I remember well two developmental efforts we brought to help launch them into broader ministry. First we introduced them to The Significant Woman coaching/discipleship course, a tool to help them discover who God made them to be and what their personal mission was.

Second, the man in charge of digital resources for the ministry somehow gathered 20 computers and set up a lab for us. The women cycled through to learn how to use the computer, to get their own email and password. Cheers erupted every time one sent an email to another.

Fast forward 10 years.

Sixty-five staff women representing more than a dozen nations gathered, ready to discover new resources to accelerate their efforts to engage, equip and empower their sisters to Stand Up and Build.

Learning to build for the Kingdom

Learning to build for the Kingdom

Training for using Magdalena: Released from Shame—a version of The Jesus Film narrated by Mary Magdalene, will open many doors for sharing the love of Christ. Further equipping through The Significant Woman course, including the new evangelistic Soaring, will also expand their efforts to introduce many women to Jesus.

I had the privilege of speaking three times: Setting the World on Fire, The Way of the Enemy, and Who We Are and How We Work. Since I speak only about four phrases in French, I was truly dependent on my excellent translator. I trust God spoke through me to both encourage and challenge these warriors for the Kingdom.

Preaching on Setting the World on Fire in my very loved African dress

Preaching on Setting the World on Fire in my very loved African dress

Two highlights for me:

First, the women themselves. They are consistently warm, friendly, joyful—and committed to fulfilling God’s calling on their lives. And I love their colorful dresses!

Women singing and dancing

Women singing and dancing

Second, the concluding ceremony: After brief speeches of gratitude and encouragement, the women sang—and danced—this lively song, written to accompany the Magdalena film. Here it is translated by my former French teacher sister, Mary Huggins:

Magdalena song

God created the sky and the earth

He created the mountains and the waters

The animals and the fish

He also created Adam

But something was missing, something important, something of value

It is me the woman

I am woman

I repeat the woman

We are all the women.

Many cheers followed.

I am always in awe that God lets me know women like these. I am sure they bless me more than I bless them. So grateful.

T-shirt: Women Stand Up and Build

T-shirt: Women Stand Up and Build

What about you? What are you building?

C2018 Judy Douglass