Displacing Fear


This is the third of three posts leading up to June 2 Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day. Our theme this year is Fear Not. These articles are designed to prepare us as we engage in battle for the hearts and minds of loved ones who are “prodigal” in one or more of many ways. And if you have fears of any kind, read on.

I remember one time when the fear came back.

I hate it when the fear comes back. I thought I was over that fear. Or maybe I just thought the cause of that fear was over.

Some time ago, in the midst of some hopeful signs in a long-ongoing situation, the fear returned. With force. Irrationally.

Because when I hoped, when things looked like they were changing for the better, I became afraid to hope. I remember the past, and it was painful, disappointing, filled with despair. What if, once more, the hope is not fulfilled, if the undesirable wins out again?

About the same time I participated in a wonderful 12-hour Personal Guided Retreat. The theme: Encircle Me, Oh God. Keep Love Within, Keep Fear Without.

It was exactly what I needed.

The 12 of us participating had sweet time together, praying and singing the hours. My Anglican heritage loved the liturgy, the structure, the music, the Word. But I also loved the hours for personal reflection. God knew the fear that gripped my heart and had prepared just the antidote I needed. These words, sung and prayed and reflected on began to set me free:

From Morning Prayer:

God’s ear to hear me

God’s hand to guide me

God’s might to uphold me

God’s shield to hide me

Against all powers deceiving

Against my own unbelieving

Whether near or far

These words were a great reminder of God’s presence and protection for me.

From Midday Prayer:

Encircle me, Oh God;

keep faith within, keep pride without

Encircle me, Oh God; keep hope within, keep despair without

Encircle me, Oh God; keep love within, keep fear without.

Faith, not pride; hope, not despair; love, not fear!!

From Compline (Night Prayer)

By day the Lord directs His love;

at night His song is with me—

a prayer to the God of my life.

All day, all night, God is with me.

From a Prayer Exercise

Calm me, O Lord, as you stilled the storm

Still me, O Lord, keep me from harm

Let all the tumult within me cease

Enfold me, Lord, in your peace.

Even in the storm, He gives peace.

There was much more. But these prayers reminded me of the secret: Displacement.

Which reminded me of a message my husband gave often: Worry and a Walk with God Don’t Mix.” When I worry, there is God’s peace is displaced. When I walk with God in trust, the worry is displaced. The secret? Displacement.

Really? Displacement? Of course. If I keep love within, I will keep fear without. Which is exactly what the apostle John told us: “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” (1 John 4:18)

Instead of remembering the pain of the past, I can remember the love poured over me lavishly, repeatedly, extravagantly by my Father in Heaven, by the Son who died for me, by the Spirit who lives in me. Then I can keep love within and fear without.

What about you? When does fear grip you? Do you see how focusing on, trusting God’s love for you—and your love one—can displace your fear?


Do you have a loved one you want prayer for on the June 2 Prodigal Prayer Day? Write to us at PrayerforProdigals@gmail.com or go to the Prayer for Prodigals Facebook page. Give us the first name of a prodigal you want prayer for.

To learn how you can be a part of Prodigal Prayer Day, check out this link: https://judydouglass.com/prayerday

Hope for Hurting Parents is hosting a Zoom Prayer Call on June 2nd 6:00-7:30pm EST. Register at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtfuuorTwqHtQtDxcFjcDpsVtO9pbLtS6k#/registration


Listen to the devotional: Displacing Fear - Fear 3, episode 148

A powerful sermon series on forgiveness by David Uth. Here’s a link to the 5 messages: https://www.firstorlando.com/service/cancelled/

Songs to help to calm your fears: https://bit.ly/FearNotPlaylist

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