Have You Lost the Wonder? Of Words and the World


I am a word nerd. I love pondering the wonder of words: how they sound and what they mean.

Just meditate and ruminate on these spectacular words:








And then think on this word: Wonderful! Full of wonder. This beautiful word is so overused that it’s lost much of its meaning. A vacation, a concert, a date, a child’s performance—all can be wonderful. But does our mouth drop open or a gasp escape our lips at something that fills us with wonder?

And this word: Awesome! I imagine that word used to really mean something. You know—something filled us with AWE! We were surprised, amazed, even enraptured by the simple things of life.

I think in the past life was probably filled with more awe! We were surprised, amazed, even enraptured by the simple things of life.


But now we meet people from Uzbekistan, travel to New Zealand, talk to Timbuktu, behold spectacular movie special effects, watch floods, earthquakes and revolutions as they happen. We are so bombarded by the astonishing, the dazzling, the stunning, that nothing inspires awe. 

In fact, many of us live bored! How tragic! For God offers to immerse us in a world of the wondrous, the magnificent, the adventurous—yes, even the miraculous. We should live in awe! We should never get over it.

Yes, I love the wonder of words, but also so much more. These are a few of the things that inspire awe in me, truths that I never get over:

I never get over God’s love for me

He delights in me, adores me, treasures me, wants to be with me, enjoys my company, is thrilled when I choose to be with Him.  He even really likes me.

I never get over that love that sent Jesus to the cross to die for me

He forgives me, dresses me in His righteousness, adopts me as His own child, walks with me, provides all I need. He comforts and encourages, strengthens and lifts up, wipes my tears and laughs with me.

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I never get over the beauty and wonder of the world God created

Sunrise, sunset, the crashing ocean waves, the majesty of mountains, the starkness of the desert, the density of a forest, the promise of a garden. A galloping horse, a soaring eagle, a willowy jellyfish, a silly otter.  Even the evidence of God’s sense of humor revealed in so many creatures.

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I never get over people

The kindness (and the meanness) of human beings, the colorful variety, the depth of love between husband and wife, the joy of children’s laughter and hugs, the sweetness of true friends. The encouragement of hope, the compassion in loss, the comfort in pain, the standing with and kneeling beside.

I never get over encountering the goodness of God in the ordinary things of life

A serendipitous encounter with an old friend, a book that touches my mind and my soul, the return of a lost pet, the discovery of a lost treasure, a better seat on a long flight, a breakthrough on a hurtful personal problem.

I never get over that God invited me to be a partner in building His Kingdom

He calls me a work of art—His masterpiece. He gifted me with the talents and temperament, the abilities and weaknesses that equip me perfectly for the good works He has prepared for me. He gives me the privilege of introducing people to the Savior, of helping them to grow, of encouraging them to be and do all He created them for.

Because of all this, my life has real purpose, profound meaning, breathtaking adventure, delicious surprises, deep love, abundant joy, faithful friends, significant work, amazing opportunities.

And the mellifluousness of words.

Who could be bored!

Never get over the wonder of our God!

What about you? Where do you find wonder?

C2021 Judy Douglass

If you want to know the meanings and uses of the words above, check here.