When You Love a Prodigal: Banishing Fear and Leaning into God's Love by April Yamasaki

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I am so grateful to Redbud Writer sister April Yamasaki for posting this excerpt from When You Love a Prodigal. You can read a little here, and click over to her post to read the whole post. She offers some nice surprises in addition to the Banishing Fear excerpt.

Banishing Fear

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear. – 1 John 4:18

The fear can be overwhelming, can’t it?

Pregnancy. Addiction. Overdose.
Wrong friends. Cutting. Suicide.
Her wasting away because she won’t eat.
The call from the jail or the hospital.
An accident— injuring self or others. His doing something crazy while high.
A visit from the police. Harm to your other children. Living without God.
Your not knowing where they are or what they are doing.
Failing school. Having no future. Fear for your own life.

That’s quite a list. All are quite possible, whether your prodigal is your teen or adult child, a spouse, a sibling, a parent, or a friend.

Fear can be pervasive when you love a prodigal.

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