Dec 2023 - Jesus Comes As…

Jesus comes as…

I will never forget the first time my mother came to visit after Steve and I were married.

My mother was an impeccable housekeeper. I am not. Everything in her home was clean, neat and in its place. That might have been true in our home right after we moved in, but not since.

So I went into a frenzy trying to restore order, hide messes and clean every inch. When she arrived, I was exhausted.

At this season of Advent, we anticipate the arrival of Jesus, the Lamb of God, the King of Glory. And yet most of us scurry about getting ready for the coming of Christmas, not the coming of Christ.

Just think of it!

Jesus came to earth to be like us so we can be like Him. Jesus came to visit us to tell us how much He loves us.

Jesus came into the darkness to shine as the light. Jesus came walking on water, subduing the storms of our lives.

Jesus came to offer us life, and so much more.

I invite you to welcome Jesus into your heart and life, letting His coming be the center of your Christmas season.

And you don’t have to clean up the house—or your life—first. He comes to you as you are.

Holidays with my Family

I spent Thanksgiving with Michelle, Brad, and their family. Great conversations with each one, games with her boys—including Scrabble (my favorite game) several times. They loved when I came in last.

Their now seven-month-old Red Bone Coon Hound is as tall as I am when he jumps up. What a sweet dog!

Thanksgiving dinner at Brad’s parents’ with the extended family was fun and filled with gratitude.

Then, back home for dinner with Josh and his family and Steve’s brother, Bradd.

I will be in Montana for Christmas, starting with a week supervising four boys while Debbie, Nick and turning 10 girl have a special trip. I’m sure I will make good use of the coat and boots they gave me for Christmas last year (and kept there)—hoping there will be no 40 below temps this time.

And right after Christmas I will spend several days at the farm with Josh and Lesley and their kids.

Being with all the family is wonderful, but I am really missing Steve these days.

Gifts for You

I have two Christmas gifts for you. First—a blessing for your Christmas, and then a recipe for EggNog pie. It’s not a quickie, but makes a special dessert if you have a holiday party or just for your family.

Jesus is the incarnation of the grace of God. What a gift—may we receive it with gratitude and joy on this day we celebrate His birth,


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