May 2024 - I Love Celebrating

You can be sure I enjoyed the week of April 14 as the celebrations for my 80th birthday and 60th year on Cru staff continued all week.

My family came—Michelle and her boys were with me Sunday-Friday—Brad joined us on Thursday. Debbie arrived Wednesday night and stayed till Sunday to help me sort through more of Steve’s things. And Carla, who worked with me 1969-72 and continues to do editing projects, was here for 4 days.

There was lots of celebration, starting with a lunch with my Women’s Resources team on April 17, my actual birthday. Great food and fellowship. They gave me a video—my life for 60 years with Cru. (You can watch it here—you might be in it.)

The big party given at/by Cru was on April 18. Some 200+ Cru staff and friends came. Yummy food, lots of hugs and cards, kind words and best wishes, and prayer from Cru leaders Steve and Christy Sellers. I was so blessed.

Then the family met up with Steve’s brother, Bradd, at our favorite Mexican restaurant. Someone told the waiter it was my birthday, so they put a sombrero on me and sang Happy Birthday to me.

Saturday Debbie and I met Josh and Lesley and their girls for an early dinner. Gifts including original art from the girls were treasures to me. Then Debbie and I went to the cemetery to thank God for the great gift Steve was to us.

I would also like to invite you to read The View from 80: A Look Back.

Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day

Once again I am preparing for the annual June 2 Prodigal Prayer Day. Beginning May 14 I will do a 3-part devotional series on Fear Not, to prepare those who pray for the battle it can be to bring our wandering loved ones before the Lord. I will especially address the increasing number of adult prodigals who have rejected their parents, often cutting them off from grandkids. I will post the devos on my podcast, the Prayer for Prodigals page and my blog. Please pray for wisdom from God as I write these.

The Women’s Resource Team

This month I am introducing you to two women who play key roles in our Prayer for Prodigals ministry.


Susan Allendorf, Website Manager

Susan manages the Prayer for Prodigals website. She invites in those who ask to join, responds to requests, and sends on to me things I need to answer. If you would like to know more about our community, write to


Lori Lloyd, Social Media

Lori manages the Prayer for Prodigals Facebook and Instagram pages. She daily makes helpful posts to encourage the more than 6000 followers. Come visit us:

Books for Your Summer Reading

One of the benefits of belonging to the Redbud Writers Guild is I know lots of writers and know about new books. Here are two:

Today I Left the House: Diary of a First Time Mom by Sarah M. White

Organized idealist Sarah prepares to give birth for the first time just like she managed her teaching career—with optimism and color-coded charts. After all, how hard can it be?

Beyond Ethnic Loneliness: The Pain of Marginalization and the Path to Belonging by Prasanta Verma

An Indian American immigrant who grew up in white Southern culture, Prasanta Verma names and sheds light on the realities of ethnic loneliness.

Warrior of Eden: How Curiosity and Questions Lead to Understanding God’s Call for Women by Beth Guckenberger

And then a wonderful book from my dear friend Beth Guckenberger. In this transformative, biblically based book, Beth draws on God’s original intention for women to embolden us to use our gifts as full participants at church, at work, and at home.

Know that our God celebrates you!
