Prodigal Prayer Day: 6. I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life

In all the uncertainties of life, especially when you love a prodigal, and especially in this pandemic time, we seek something or someone solid, dependable, a sure foundation. We have all that in Jesus, whose name is I AM. Over the next few weeks, leading to the June 2 Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day, we will discover seven ways Jesus is all we need—the seven “I AMs” He called Himself. (Read John 14.)


As we draw close to our June 2 Prodigal Prayer Day, we look at a very familiar verse: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

This powerful statement is filled with amazing claims and promises. Entire courses and studies seek to cover it. We will just take a quick look at what Jesus offers us and our loved ones in this hard season.

And it is a hard season, isn’t it? Life came to a sudden stop. Plans thwarted. Families and friends separated. Jobs and income lost. Fear amplified.

So what is the way forward? Who even knows the truth, much less speaks it, for what is ahead. When will life resume?

It’s as if Jesus were speaking to us in this pandemic. And when you love a prodigal, the questions and concerns are multiplied.

“I AM the Way”

Most of us like to know where we are going, what will happen, when we will get there (thanks, Google). We like to be in control. But in reality—a reality that has become tangible—we are not in control.

Jesus is way better than Google—He has all those answers. Even more, He is in charge and tells us He has drawn the perfect life map for us. He not only is the way for today and next year, but for all the days of our lives and forever.

And for our prodigals. So we can with confidence pray for God to draw our loved ones to the right way, the best way.

“I AM the Truth”

In this pandemic, people don’t seem to know whom to believe or what the truth is. But we can know who is telling the truth for every situation in our lives. God’s truth is found in His Word and Jesus is the Living Word, hence the Truth. 

His Word of Truth reveals the realities of life, the principles and guidelines for making right choices, and the warnings and consequences of wrong choices. His Word describes what God is like, how much He loves us, how He pursues us to restore and retain relationship. He tells us His names that enable us to see how we can believe Him to be utterly faithful. He whispers promises He will keep.

These Truths are for us and for our prodigals. I find one of the best ways to pray for a loved one is to name these Truths about Jesus and ask Him to open the eyes of their hearts and minds to believe and receive what our Lord is saying to them.

“I AM the Life”

“When life gets back to normal” we keep saying. I think, when Jesus said He is “the Life,” He didn’t mean normal at all. He assures us of two overarching truths about the Life He gives.

First, that life is everlasting or eternal. He tells us He knew us before He made us, designing each of us to His beautiful specifications. He has loved us every moment of our lives. The Life He gives goes on forever. See these words from the Apostle John: “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3)

Jesus speaking to the Samaritan woman: “…but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14)

John in his first letter to followers of Christ: “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.” (1 John 5:13) 

But that’s not all. Eternal life if real now, and it is far beyond any normal we would hold on to.

Jesus said: “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Books (and more books) have been written about that abundant life. Jesus assures us it is beyond anything we can ask or imagine!

And it for us—you and me—and for our prodigals. Again, we can use these words of life as we are on our knees on behalf of these we love.

Next week, in the final devotional on the “I AMs” of Jesus, we will talk more about the life He gives.

Trusting in Jesus,


Important Info

1.    Here’s a Spotify Prodigal Playlist you will be encouraged by. 

2.   Be sending names and requests in response to this letter, or by writing to Invite others to send names, and to join in praying.

3.   Our big day—June 2, the Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day—is just a week away. May God be preparing your heart to come to Him in humble boldness on behalf of your loved one. Whether you are able to pray a few minutes, or several hours, or into the evening, please pray:

         For your loved one(s).

For those prodigals of family, friends, neighbors, church members.   

Please pray for the list of about 5000 names from around the world.

If possible, in a small group, or virtually, pray with some others.

Know that our God hears and answers. 

I will write once more with the last I AM and some final guidelines for our day of prayers.

Judy DouglassComment