What Can I Give Him?

I love giving gifts. But with 10 grands, Christmas can be daunting. Their parents give me ideas. For the older ones, I ask them. And books for all. I’m almost done for 2020. It takes time and creativity, but oh the joy I receive!

Of course, we are celebrating a very special birthday at Christmas—the birth of our Savior. I wonder what Jesus would ask for, if we asked Him. He has definitely given some hints in Scripture. I think Jesus would be pleased with these gifts:


This is the most important one, and if I had only one gift to give, this would be it. Jesus said his greatest desire is that we would love God with our whole heart, mind, soul, strength—with our whole being. (Matthew 22:37).  He desires to be first in our affections, king of our hearts. “What can I give Him? Give Him my heart.”

And when I Iove like that, I am ready to give him these additional gifts.


Actually, this one is pretty hard for me, even still.

The prophet Isaiah tells us, “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6). That was certainly true of me.

Growing up my greatest desire was always to have my own way. And throughout my walk with God, we have had many conversations about His way or my way. I sometimes lobby for my good ideas, but He has convinced me that His way is ALWAYS better than my way. And it works best when I surrender willingly.


This is a little funny—I don’t do hands. That is, I don’t make things or draw things or build things. I do words, not hands.

Then God reminds me of His conversation with Moses, when Moses said he couldn’t speak well and there was no way he could go tell Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go.

God’s response? “What is that in your hand, Moses?” It was his shepherd’s staff. And that is what God used—to call out plagues, to part the Red Sea, to provide water for the people.

His response to me?  Give me your hands—the gifts I have given you, especially your words—and I will amaze you with how I will use you.


Seriously, He wants my feet?  Yes he does. That is, He wants me to be willing to put my feet in motion, to go wherever He asks me to go. That might be to a physical place. Or an opportunity. Someplace scary or uncomfortable. Or a challenging relationship.

I never know where God might send me. But I do know this—He has promised to go with me.

And with you.

And to do through me and through you immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

So as you wrap up your Christmas shopping, pick out the just right gift to give to Jesus. He will be thrilled.

What about you?  What gift does Jesus want from you?

C2020 Judy Douglass


 Wei-Cheng Wu on Unsplash