July 2023 - Join the Applause

Join the Applause

I love standing ovations—the opportunity to cheer publicly and loudly for the good work someone has done.

So when I first heard of Join the Applause about 12 years ago, I loved it and entered in. The idea is to give God a standing ovation for the amazing beauty He has given us in His creation—and to applaud, say thank You, for all He has given us.

What do you think is photographed more than anything else? Probably a sunset. So the people who initiated Join the Applause asked people to come together—or alone—the last Saturday in June to enjoy and celebrate and give thanks for the beauty all around us—culminating in a sunset applause that rolls around the globe.

I participated for several years, and then didn’t hear about it again until this year, so I joined in last month. But you don’t have to wait until next year—every day is a good time to Join the Applause for our God.

Unto PackHope Day

Unto is a humanitarian arm of Cru that leverages strategic global partnerships to relieve suffering through humanitarian aid, often collaborating with local Cru ministries.

Recently Unto sponsored a food-packing event—PackHope--at Cru’s Lake Hart campus, inviting staff and friends to come together over several days to pack food packets to be distributed by our staff and partners in countries in extreme food insecurity.

The packing days were amazing. More than 650 people worked, packaging rice and lentils equaling 241,344 meals, loaded on 55 pallets to ship to nations in need. This will allow 1,676 families to eat one meal a day for a month. Distribution not only meets severe needs, but also gives our staff opportunities for spiritual conversations.

Our staff and friends loved the opportunity, asking when they could do it again.

Happy Birthday, Sara Trollinger

You may have heard or read my mention of House of Hope, a residential program to provide hope, healing, and restoration for troubled teens and families.

It was started in 1985 by Sara Trollinger, a former school teacher, with a few girls. In 1997 she added a program for boys, and our Josh was the second boy in.

It was a gift for Josh and our family. He was in a safe place, with great house parents, lots of requirements and work assignments, school, counseling, chapel services. Josh learned that actions have consequences, we had lots of time together as a family, he understood working toward goals. And he met Jesus.

House of Hope has expanded to four more locations around the U.S. And I now serve on the Board of National House of Hope.

These pictures are from a big birthday celebration—90 years—for Sara Trollinger. It was such fun, with lots of stories and accolades.

Learn more about House of Hope: https://nationalhouseofhope.org/

Happy Birthday, Steve—in Heaven

I was so blessed to know Steve Douglass for 53 years. We were married for more than 47 of those years. I celebrate his birthday—July 12-- by sharing with you a few of his strengths:

Humility—Steve lived out of a humble spirit. He never put himself above others. His humility was deep and genuine.

Believing the Best—He always believed the best about me and others. He consistently gave the benefit of the doubt.

Serving—This man was always looking for ways to serve me. He served our neighborhood by picking up trash as he walked—everyone in the neighborhood knew him.

Partnering—Oh how I love how we partnered together—in our marriage, in parenting, in ministry. He made shared leadership an easy reality.

Coaching—If God had not called Steve to lead in ministry, I think he would have been a coach. He coached sports for much of his life, most significantly Debbie’s soccer team.

Trusting God—Steve would read it in the Word or hear it from God and he would do it. He trusted God’s character, His goodness, His sovereignty—and lived accordingly.

I ask God to grow more of these strengths into my life.

Visiting My Family

Much of this summer will be spent with my children and their families.

My first visit was to Josh and Lesley’s farm to celebrate a 7-year-old’s birthday. The best gift was the non-toxic kid’s makeup, which made her look even more beautiful. And lots of giggles with a three-year-old, as well as great conversations with their parents.

Next was an adventure with Michelle and Brad and their baseball/gamer boys and their new puppy, Spur(geon). (His predecessor was Calvin.) While the boys were at sports camp and Mom and Dad at work, I puppy sat with Spur. We had lots of fun, though his teeth were very sharp.

This month I will visit both again, then one extended visit with the Montana family in August.

May you “join the applause” for our God every day,


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